
Friday, March 2, 2012

More on Verbos

My students did so well with the initial set of verbs I taught, I decided to extend the unit. As I planned, I found many more things I want to share. 

When I taught the word "cocinar" I showed a presentation that just had pictures of different meals (spaghetti, pizza, rice and beans, etc.) students were instructed that if they wanted me to cook the food they could say the word 'cocinar' if they didn't want me to cook the food then they covered their mouth. This is a super easy activity that the kids really enjoy. All you have to do is create a powerpoint presentation where each slide is a different picture of a food.

This activity could easily be changed for the word comer. You could also change it for the following verbs:
-jugar (show pictures of different games to play)
-leer (show pictures of different books to read)
-bailar (instead of pictures, play different kinds of music to see if they like that music)

I mentioned a freeze dance game in my post Verbos: Teaching Verbs to Young Students. I want to make it a point to mention that this game could be played a dozen different ways. For example:
-To teach comer and cocinar: students pretend to be stirring as the music plays while saying "cocinar" and when the music stops they pretend to eat while saying 'comer
-To teach leer: students took small board books and read them while the music played while saying 'leer' and when the music stopped they either close their book or switched books
-To teach escribir: students pretended to read and say leer and when the music stopped they had to find a seat and pretend to "write" while saying 'escribir' (this version was almost like musical chairs.)

I have found other videos where I find it helpful to give students a task to do while watching. One of the most recurring activities I have them do is to say and do a motion every time they hear a "secret" word in the video. The secret word gives students keeps them actively listening to the videos. I have highlighted the "secret" word for each of the following videos.


Comer or Crecer



Here are a couple of songs I found that would be great to use as background music while playing the freeze games. They also are great in and of themselves as songs to use to teach verbs. 
Song: Patito, ¡VenĂ­ a Jugar! 

Song: Mira 

from the Album: Hop, Skip, and Sing Spanish      

Song: Leer